Friday, March 15, 2013

Spare Room Update #2 for 31 Day Challenge

It certainly is going slowly. I am not sure this room will be completed in the allotted time frame. However, I am not going to give up. To paraphrase FlyLady: "Progress not Perfection - 15 Minutes at a Time!"

We did manage to get in the room a couple more times. Although there is still much to do, it is getting better. We are making progress. The thought of reclaiming this room warms my heart.

Original Before Photo

After a few more sessions in the spare room
Next, we will start tackling some of the boxes. We will be so pleased when this room is cleared and usable. It will be great for my son to have a room he can call his own when he is here, and it will be a great guest room when he is not.

Thank you for all your support.

If you are just getting started with Evernote, I suggest that you buy Brett Kelly’s remarkably practical e-book, Evernote Essentials, Second Edition. It is worth setting aside a couple hours to work through this brief, 95-page book. It will save you DAYS of learning Evernote on your own.


  1. Keep on carrying on! You can do it!

  2. Way to go! You're making great progress! Just a few sessions and I can already see a big difference!

  3. We are almost at the place where I can go in there without our son hovering over me nervously, worried that I am going to throw something out that is important to him.

    Of course, to add a fly to the ointment, my husband is home for two weeks on vacation. You would think "Excellent, another pair of helping hands!", but, sadly, no. My husband has difficulty getting rid of anything because it either has some sentimental value for him, or "we might just need it". I have to do "my blessings" when he is not looking. (Blessing someone with an item they need and can use that is just taking up space in our home, unused.)

    Thank you all for your wonderful encouragements. I really appreciate it.

  4. Your husband sounds like me! I had such a hard time, but if it really meant something to me, before I tossed it, I took a picture of it as a memento.

  5. Seeing the floor now! Yeah! It is had work when you have 'helpers' that have a hard time letting go, but sounds like you are working through it. Having a space for your son and a guest room is great motivation to see this project through! Keep up the good work!

  6. You are doing great. Progress, even a little bit, is progress. It gets easier to let go of things the more time you (and your family!) spend in there and getting it emptied is AMAZING!

  7. You are making good progress! I couldn't do it with my hubby here either - he can find a use for anything ... I mean ... anything!! LOL

  8. Wow, the outpouring of support is heart-warming. Thank you, all, again!

  9. Look at how much more light the second photo has! I bet the air is better too!
