Friday, March 22, 2013

Update #3 of 31 Day Challenge

New bird. 18 yo Senegal parrot - rescue - ©2013 Reservoir Slob
New Bird
Well, dear readers, I am cheating today. The photo, below, is not in the spare bedroom but rather one wall in the dining/living area.

Before Photo: Pile of boxes in front of a wall that has bird cages as well ©2013 Reservoir Slob
It has been a crazy week. Our son was quite ill this week so we did not get a chance to get into the spare room. Also, we adopted a new bird. We needed to move her cage from the far end (and in the way of the doorway/walkway) to where all these boxes are (front of photo).  AND, to add to my joy (sarcasm) the monitor on my computer kept shutting down and would not come back on.

It kept "going to sleep" but would not "wake up". I spent several hours trying everything I could think of to get it up and running again, including pulling the computer desk away from the wall and unplugging each plug, cleaning it, and re-plugging them back in. While at it I added labels to all the plugs so now we will know which plug goes to which device.

Eventually, the combination of everything I did, plus some crazy computer magic, my monitor came on and I was able to finally come back on to work (and to do this update). 

After - Bird cage moved to front, where boxes were - ©2013 Reservoir Slob
We moved the new bird's cage to where the boxes were. Now she is closer to the family action and her cage is not in the way of walking. Her cage is the one with the cover on it. She used to be covered at night where she used to live. However, we do not cover our birds at night and are going to see how she does without being covered.

Despite not working on the spare bedroom, I feel good. The area that did get done was on my list of areas to clear out. This area is now almost done (we still have 3 boxes... not including the ones in the go through).

If you are just getting started with Evernote, I suggest that you buy Brett Kelly’s remarkably practical e-book, Evernote Essentials, Second Edition. It is worth setting aside a couple hours to work through this brief, 95-page book. It will save you DAYS of learning Evernote on your own.

The purpose of the 31 Day Organizational Challenge is to get areas organized, in particular ones that we have been procrastinating about. So, I believe this counts in the spirit of the challenge.


  1. Yes, I think this definitely qualifies! Good luck with the new bird and the old monitor.

  2. Good luck with the spare room again this week. Enjoy the new bird!

    1. It has been a really bad week for organizing anything. My husband has been home and I have been busy with other projects and work. However the bird is great!!!

      Thanks Nessa and Jenny for the encouraging comments.
